Bilateral abductor vocal fold paralysis (BAVFP) is a rare but potentially fatal condition that may require immediate surgical intervention if severe airway obstruction occurs. The primary problem is airway obstruction, while phonation is of secondary importance. Treating patients with BAVFP is a daunting challenge as there are many surgical approaches to glottic airway expansion, but none is superior to the others. Given the importance of phonation in daily life, a prospective study was conducted to investigate the phonatory outcomes in BAVFP after CO2 laser- assisted posterior cordectomy and partial arytenoidectomy. Preand postoperative objective and subjective voice analyzes showed satisfactory phonatory results in our patients. Methods: This one-year study, conducted from February 2018 to February 2019, involved 30 BVFP patients. Exclusions included those under 12, with prior micro-laryngeal surgery, or concurrent pulmonary, neurological, or malignant diseases. Conclusions: This prospective study concludes that posterior cordectomy with CO2 laser and partial arytenoidectomy are better treatment options for BAVFP, as they offer adequate airway, good swallowing, and a socially acceptable voice.
Airway Obstruction; Vocal Cord Paralysis; Posterior Cordectomy; GRABAS; MPT; VHI