Aim: To diagnose conjunctival lymphoma through clinical features and correlating histopathology. Methods: It is a retrospective case study between January 2014 - December 2019 in a tertiary eye hospital. 15 patients (5 male, 10 female) aged 30-60 years presenting with redness irritation watering of conjunctiva in both eyes treated as inflammatory lesion not resolving with topical medications. All patients underwent S/L evaluation and subjected to HPE and advised USG abdomen to look for visceral involvement. Results: Out of 15 patients who were advised HPE only 8patient underwent HPE out of which 4 showed revealed sub epithelial focal sheets of lymphoid cells with follicle formation suggestive of atypical lymphoid hyperplasia. Other 2 patients showed B-cell NHL, 1 small cell lymphoma and 1 MALToma. None of the 15 patients had systemic involvement. Conclusion: Conjunctival lymphomas should be included in differential diagnosis of non-resolving conjunctival inflammatory lesions. Though 7 HPE results were still awaited still all the 15 cases clinical picture is pathognomonic for diagnosing conjunctival lymphoma though HPE is confirmatory. Yearly follow up is important to look for any local recurrence and systemic involvement..
Conjunctival Lymphoma; Masquerade; Inflamed Pterygium; Inflamed Pinguecula