The drug Anna bedhi Chenduram (ABC) is commonly used for prescribing in anaemia and its activity is unexplored on target cells10. The scientific validation of the drug would be ideal to exploit its potential in haematological disorders. The metronomic model of conventional chemotherapy suggests that advantages accrue to the administration of combinations of alternative drugs that interact with the multistep process of hematopoiesis and angiogenesis. The government of Tamil Nadu to address the issue and targeting the vulnerable population is recommending Anna bedi Chenduram during the second trimester of pregnancy. In the present study the objectives are designed to address the effect of drug through molecular multistep process of hematopoiesis in our standardized testing platforms of bone marrow stem cell culture using quantitative real time expression of specific self renewal genes.
Effect of Anna Bedi Chenduram; Bone Marrow Stem Cells; Culture; Analysis