Open Access Journal of Animal & Plant Husbandry ISSN: 3065-694X
Review Article
Effect of Cuttings and Nitrogen Level on Growth & Yield of Oat: A Review
Published: 2024-05-17


Oat crop responds significantly to different application of nitrogen levels and cuttings. The split application of N on oat crop has majored impact on the plant height, weight of plant, tillers and other growth parameters. The split application of N improves the green fodder & dry fodder yield. The quality & productivity of fodder oat improves as N levels rise. The split application of nitrogen with double cut produced high yield due to high dose of nitrogen and various cutting. When yield was high, economics of oat crop automatically increased and single cut at 50% of flowering improves growth parameters. Highest gross returns, net returns and benefit cost ratio were found under double cut, (1st cut at 60days after sowing and 2nd cutat 50 percent of flowering).


Oat; Cutting; Nitrogen; Growth and Yield Attributes