Schwannoma, also known as perineural sheath tumour. It mainly affects the second and third decade and can cause severe symptoms like difficulty in breathing or swallowing if it becomes large. Schwannoma rarely seen in young adults. Schwannoma is well encapsulated, slow growing benign tumour that can rarely present in oral cavity. Here we have reported a case of 35-yearold male presented with symptoms of slow growing swelling over floor of mouth and occasional history of snoring. Clinically it was suspected as ranula as the overlying mucosa was bluish in colour. Patient underwent excision of the lesion by intraoral approach with a sublingual incision, under general anaesthesia with oral intubation. Lesion removed in toto as the cyst wall was thick and sent for histopathologically examination.The final report came as a Schwannoma Transoral approach is most commonly used approach but the decision should be based upon the clinical evaluation such as the size and shape of the lesion. For better diagnosis of the oral cavity swelling a team work should be needed between Otolaryngologist, radiologist, and pathologist. To enhance our understanding a literature review was done which included the reports on oral cavity schwannoma. Most of the cases underwent transoral excision of the mass with very limited array of literature is available for large tongue base schwannoma cases.
Schwannoma; Tongue base lesions; Transoral Approach