Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Anti-Microbial
Resistance among Medical Students in a Tertiary Care Centre,
Puducherry-An Analytical Cross Sectional Study
Jafrin MM*, LourduJafrin A, James SM
Author Affiliations
Jafrin MM* Department of Community Medicine, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, India Email:
LourduJafrin A Department of Pharmacology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, India
James SM Senior Resident, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Introduction: Antibiotics being the life saver in many situations of emergencies has created the irrational use due to the change in pattern of prescribing and treatment. Health professionals play a key role in the fight against antibiotic resistance because they play a part in prescribing antibiotics during routine clinical practice as well as in promoting health education, particularly by encouraging patients to adhere to therapies and avoid self-medication. Unfortunately, the inappropriate prescription of antibiotics by some health professionals has proven to be a constant problem. Main lacunae faced is absence of capacity building in understanding the prescribing practices, so an initiative was taken to understand the Knowledge, attitude and practices among the medical students. Methodology: The study was an analytical cross sectional study involving all the medical students who consented to participate. The questionnaire was used to assess the Knowledge, attitudes and practises in Anti microbial resistance, and data was collected and analysed and presented as descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Out of the 210 medical students 61.4% were female and 38.6% were males. Maximum students around 60% belonged to third year. About 93.3% were aware about Anti-microbial resistance, but only 46.2% were aware about the alarming rise of the resistance and only 74.3% has taken the complete prescribed course.
Conclusion: There are many lacunae in practising theory based knowledge into practise based knowledge among the medical students. So capacity building with tutorials and educating about the prescription practices by means of integration lectures to students will serve the purpose.