International Journal of Advanced Research in Orthopaedics ISSN: 2642-0155
Research Article
Appraisal of Outcome of Fibular Strut Graft Augmentation in the Treatment of Fresh Displaced Intracapsular Fracture Neck Femur in Young Adults
Published: 2024-05-01


Background: The displaced fracture neck femur carries a threat of two catastrophic complications viz non-union (NU) and avascular necrosis (AVN) with a rate of 9%-35%, and 20%-35% respectively. The usual treatment of displaced fracture in young adults is anatomical reduction and stable fixation to preserve the femoral head, but about 1/3rd patients suffer from NU and AVN. The challenges are, therefore, in finding solutions for prevention/reduction of complications. To confront these challenges, we used fibular strut graft in all fresh displaced fractures to augment the union process.
Material and Method: A total of 32 patients aged 18-55years (mean age 37 years) with fresh (


Fresh displaced Garden type 3 & type 4 fracture; Fracture neck femur; Nonunion (NU); Avascular necrosis (AVN);
Fibular strut graft