An experiment was conducted at Floriculture Research Field, orticultural Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during October, 2021 to June, 2022 and October, 2022 to June, 2023, two consequtive lilium growing season to find out the optimum planting time for better flower and bulb production and also to extend the flowering duration of lilium. Lilium bulbs planted at 01 December produced the longest plant (64.0cm). The longest spike and rachis (72.70cm and 33.27, respectively), maximum number of florets/spike (10.50) and the largest floret (18.0cm) were produced by the bulbs planted at November 15. When considering the bulb and bulblet production, bulb planted at 15 November produced the heaviest and largest bulbs (25.27g and 5.13cm, respectively) and the maximum number and weight of bulblets/plant (4.63 and 5.53g, respectively). Similarly, the maximum number of bulbs/150m2 (3.82 thousands) were produced by the bulbs planted at November 15.
Planting Time; Lilium Flower; Bulb Production