Journal of Criminology and Forensic Studies ISSN: 2640-6578
Review Article
Forensic Psychology and Its Impact on the Legal System
Published: 2023-04-17


Psychological knowledge can be applied in the criminal justice system to prevention of crimes, investigation, legal decision making, rehabilitation of convicts, and so on. However, general principles of psychology cannot be easily applied due to the practical problems arising from the system and situations that vary from country to country. For instance, in Japan, obtaining confession has been considered a priority, which has led to cases of false confession. Identification procedures are not regulated, resulting in wrongful identification. The vulnerable are often unheard because of scant special measures, and in court, lay judges have difficulties bringing verdicts and sentencing. In general terms, forensic psychology is the utilization of psychological services in the legal forum. Such psychologists must recognize their responsibilities to both society and the patient. The functions of the forensic psychologist are to consult with legal personnel, law enforcement personnel, medical personnel, and lawmakers; provide diagnoses, prognoses, treatment, and recommendations to criminal and juvenile justice populations; screen or treat criminal justice personnel; conduct behavioral science research; engage in policy and program development; and teach, train, or supervise others in forensic psychology. Ethical principles to be considered by these psychologists include absolute confidentiality along with the knowledge of applicable State local and Federal policies; invasion of privacy; informed consent; and privileged communication. Civil, criminal, and administrative laws of the State should be understood together with important legal cases forming precedents; basic legal concepts and terminology; the workings of the adversary system; the workings of the area mental health system and law; and constitutional regulations, laws, and statutes that pertain to forensic psychology. Criminology and Juvenile delinquency should be understood from both a sociological and a psychological perspective. Forensic psychologists should be familiar with theory and research concerning development, mental illness, social psychology, and personality; experimental psychology and its applicability to the legal system; various forms of psychological and personality testing, their merits, and their failures; the major therapeutic modalities and their effectiveness in treating psychological problems; and the effect of environments on psychological functioning. Moreover, psychologists should be aware of current research methodologies and ongoing research. Finally, they should be familiar with correctional theory and State licensing or certification law, and they should be certified and licensed. The main purpose of this report is to highlight the current scenario of Forensic Science and Criminology in India by focusing on one of the many fields i.e., Forensic Psychology. We aim to find out whether the public of India is aware of applications of Psychology in Forensic Investigation, how common is mental illness in India and the status of forensics worldwide and in our own country. By the means of this report, we try to attract attention of authorities towards the significance of need for Forensic Psychologists, regulations, and training facilities, to aid in Criminal Investigations. Forensic Psychology is a unique combination of Law, Forensic science and Psychology. Main function of forensic psychologist is to assess the individual’s mental status. Forensic psychologists have various roles in court system, in law enforcement agencies, correctional institution and also in medical treatment. Forensic psychology involves various techniques such as narco-analysis test, lie detector test and brain mapping. Though these technologies are a boon to criminal investigation system, reliability of evidence derived from these techniques is questioned. Indian judiciary has been oscillating back and forth on admissibility of.


Forensic Science; Psychology; Crime Investigation; Expert Evidence; Technology; Threat; Importance in Courtroom;
Criminals and their Mindset