The main component of bullying according to many definitions is the imbalance in power. This paper has mentioned statistics of bullying that happened in countries including Korea, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, India, European countries and North America, and different African regions. This indicated that bullying is a widespread phenomenon that needs to be examined more by conducting different research. Moreover, this paper has discussed accurately four main types of bullying including physical bullying, verbal bullying, relational bullying, and cyber bullying. In addition, causes include misconception of bullying, poor social skills, school or home-related struggles, lack of empathy, video games that include violence, and attentionseeking were discussed to show how these factors contribute to bullying. The paper found that long-term consequences would affect the victim such as poor social adjustment and low psychological well-being. Also, Negative consequences would affect the bully in a way that they have the probability to develop suicidal thoughts. Through the investigation of the literature review, some risk factors of being a victim of bullying were examined. The risk factors such as poor parenting style would increase the probability of being a victim. Eventually, the papers have discussed an intervention method used in Holland. This method relies upon involving teachers, parents, and students, in addition to establishing effective projects. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the bullying issue in a way that increases the awareness of all people especially people who are working in educational settings.
Bullying; Victim; Bully; Widespread; Self-Esteem