Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
Self-Perception and Health Locus of Control as Predictors of Preventive Health Behaviour among Academic Staff of Selected Universities in Ondo State, Nigeria
Published: 2022-06-20


This study examined the extent to which self-perception, and health locus of control predicted preventive health behaviour among university academic staffs selected from three Universities in Ondo State, South-western Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey design with a multi-stage sampling technique was used to select a total of 606 participants (360 Males and 210 Females) from three Universities in Ondo-State, Nigeria. Data were collected with self-report questionnaires. Preventive health behaviour was measured using the Preventive Health Behaviour Scale, by Jayanti RK, et al. Self-perception was also measured using, Selfperception Scale, by Jayanti RK, et al. and health locus of control was measured using the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, by Wallston KA, et al. Three hypotheses were tested with multiple regression analysis. The result showed that self-perception significantly predicted preventive health behaviour [β=.28; F = 4.99]. Also, internal locus of control (β =.33, F = 31.29) predicted preventive health. The findings demonstrated that self-perception, health locus of control played important roles in preventive health behaviour among academic staff. The researcher therefore recommends based on these findings suggest that stakeholders in university administrations should integrate psychological factors implicated in this study when designing behavioural interventions to promote preventive health behaviour among academic staff.


Self-Perception; Health Locus of Control; Academic Staff; Preventive Health Behaviour