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Published: 2018-09-04

<p>Is Salt Consumption in Local Foods a Public Health Concern Among Mauritian Adults?</p>

Salt is the main source of sodium in the diet. A small amount of salt is important for good health; it helps to maintain the correct fluid and electrolyte balan...

Keywords: <p>Salt; High blood pressure; Highly salted processed foods</p>

Published: 2018-09-01

<p>Police Investigating Crimes as Correlates of Worriedness: A Perception of Traditional Leaders</p>

In any cultural setting, traditional leaders&rsquo; (TL) as a role model in the society have distinct influence in the society, particularly in establishing saf...

Keywords: <p>Investigating crimes; Worriedness; Local leaders; Meranaos</p>

Published: 2018-09-01

Serum Bilirubin – Which Method of Estimation is More Accurate?

Objective: Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a very common clinical problem encountered by neonates especially in the first week of life. There is an accumulation...

Keywords: Serum bilirubin ; Hyper bilirubinemia; Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia

A Case Report of the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in a Non-Specialist, Resource-Limited Environment Using the Co-Care Approach

As the incidence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) continues to grow, non-specialist mental health providers, particularly those in rural and remote areas,...

Keywords: Oppositional defiant disorder; Mental health; Resource-limited environment; Psychology; Psychiatry; Parent-child interaction training; Family therapy; Social skills training; Problem solving training

The Effectiveness of Prayer in Maintenance of Physical Health in Context of “Stand, Pray, There is Shifa/Healing in Prayers” (Hadees. Ibne Maja)

The major function of rehabilitation and physical medicine specialists is to provide the proper therapy that helps in improving the physical activities of impai...

Keywords: <p>Salat Prayers; Salah</p>

Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor (Pilar Tumour): A Case Report and Review of Literature

Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor (PTT) is a rare Neoplasm arising from theist thymus region of outer hair root sheath of the hair follicle. Historically charact...

Keywords: Proliferating trichilemmal tumor; Proliferating pilar tumor; Proliferating trichilemmal cyst; Trichilemmal keratinization

Have Silver Nanoparticles Treat Skin Burns?

Burns were one of the most common and devastating forms of trauma. Patients with thermal injury require immediate specialized care in order to minimize morbi...

Keywords: Silver Nanoparticles; Skin Burns

Growing Skull Fracture and Diastatic Skull Fracture in Pediatric Age Group their Types and Neurosurgical Repair with Technical Note

Growing skull fracture or growing diastatic fractures are an important and not so common entity in infancy fracture of skull. It is characterized by the gradual...

Keywords: Diastatic skull frature; Skull growing fracture; Childhood skull fracture; Craniocerebral erosion; Leptomeningeal cyst; Infant; Case series

Published: 2018-08-22

<p>Minimal Effect but No Cure for Alzheimer’s with Antidiabetic Drugs</p>

In this mini-review the available evidence for a favorable effect of antidiabetic drugs in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is discussed. Beneficial effects are mostly ...

Keywords: <p>Antidiabetic; Oxidative stress; Insulin resistance; Glycation; Pivotal role; Amyloid hypothesis; Amyloid-beta</p>

Published: 2018-08-22

Anaerobic Biodegradation of High Strength Real Wastewater Stream Generated from Manufacturing of Solvent Black Dyes

The performance of up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) treating real wastewater generated from manufacturing of Solvent Black dyes (SB dyes) was investigat...

Keywords: Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket; Treatment of wastewater; Solvent black Dyes; Consistent chemical oxygen demand; Methane production

Short Term and Long Term Effects of Taping, Exercises and Combined Taping and Exercises in Mechanical Neck Pain

Background and objective: One of the most common pains is the neck pain. The repetitive use of computers has forced many computer users to adopt a Forward Head ...

Keywords: <p>Kinesio taping; Oswestry paini; Mechanical neck pain</p>

Quality Assurance in Neurosciences and Suitable Standards for Neurosurgical Operation Theatre and Procedural Rooms

Quality is very important concept in Neuroscience especially in Neurosurgery like other medical field’s quality concepts were brought intentionally in neuros...

Keywords: Neurosurgical; Quality assurance; Procedural rooms; Operation Theatre

Published: 2018-08-17

Randomized Comparative Study of the Utility of a Controlled Compression Garment Compared with a Compressive Dressing in the Immediate Postoperative of Conserving Breast Cancer Surgery

Objectives: To compare the overall and individual incidence of postoperative complications, comfort and quality of life resulting from the use of compressive b...

Keywords: Breast cancer; Breast-conserving therapy; Postoperative complications; Occlusive bandage; Compressive garment

Published: 2018-08-14

Not Always Reflux is Acidity - Barrett’s Esophagus

Barrett's esophagus is a disease that commonly manifestsitself more common in white males, and its prevalenceincreases with aging, although there are no precise...

Suboptimal Sleep in Adolescents: Socio-Cultural Risk Factors to Consider

Chronic sleep problems, such as sleep loss and disrupted sleep, are associated with poor health outcomes and continue to contribute to the nation’s public hea...

Keywords: Suboptimal; Sleep in adolescents; Risk factors

Published: 2018-08-14

<p>Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Ginger Rhizomes from Three Different Regions of Nepal</p>

We aimed to establish the chemical constituents of essential oil and biological assays from crude ethanolic extract of ginger from Sindhupalchhowk, Tanahu and G...

Keywords: <p>Ginger; GC-MS, Antioxidant; Essential oil; Ethanolic extract; DPPH radical scavenging</p>

Stem Cell and Mental Health in the Childs

The relationship between physical and chemical tissues of brain specially brain neurons has close relation with mental problems and wide variety of social behav...

Keywords: Stem cell; Mental health; Genetics; Brain; Hormone

Published: 2018-08-10

Comparative Evaluation of Two Electronic Apex Locators in Determining Working Length

Electronic apex locators reduce the number of radiographs required and assist where radiographic methods create difficulty. They are also helpful in cases wher...

Keywords: Working length; Apex locators; Accuracy

Published: 2018-08-09

<p>Virtual Intelligence the Ninth Family of Intelligences to be Added to Howard Gardner's List</p>

Howard Gardner [1] has cut out in his works our intelligences in the form of families. This theory has been called multiple intelligences. Every human being po...

Keywords: <p>Net-profiling; Transverse zone; Cyber criminality; Behavioral differentiation; Avatarization; Virtual</p> <p>intelligence; Howard Gardner</p>

Published: 2018-08-08

About Scientific Results of the 3rd Global Pediatric Ophthalmology Congress (London 2018)

Describes the main results and the final resolution of 3rd Global Congress of Pediatric Ophthalmology, London, March 22-23, 2018. The analysis of the most impor...

Keywords: Physiology and biomechanics of the eye; The physiology of vision; Video security

Published: 2018-08-07

<p>Role of Forensic Science Laboratory in the Investigation of Crime</p>

Forensic Science is a discipline that gathers and examines evidence related to crime. The main function of a Forensic Science Laboratory is to provide an unbia...

Keywords: <p>Forensic science; Evidence; Crime scene; Investigation; Judiciary</p>

Published: 2018-08-01

Rare lesion of the Infratemporal Fossa

Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (MC) is an aggressive, uncommon histological entity rising in bone and soft tissue. It is subtype of chondrosarcoma and second most c...

Keywords: <p>Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma; Infratemporal fossa</p>

Published: 2018-07-31

DTC-Genetics and Individualized Genomics: Emerging Challenges of Bringing Forensic Science and Clinical Tests for the General Population

The popularization of direct to consumer genetic (DTCG) services such as genetic ancestry, biogeography and genetic susceptibility to diseases have been increas...

Keywords: <p>Genetics; Diseases; Population; Biogeography; People; Direct-to-consumer genetic tests</p>

Published: 2018-07-31

Shocking Link of Rapid Rise in Early Decompressive Liver Damage among the Healthy Adults in Pharmaceutical Institution Pune University India Living with Low Oxygen and Poor Sanitation Environment: Affordable Treatment Rate Three-Times Over

It is a truth about liver damage. But something it has known deep down all along. People who seem perfectly healthy get liver damage. All the time. It has nothi...

Keywords: Candida; Liver

Published: 2018-07-27

<p>Initial Dietary Dose in Diabetes Mellitus</p>

Progressively rising prevalence of Diabetes mellitus in India established India as World Diabetic capital, is solely due to increasing non nutrients in dietary ...

Keywords: <p>Diabetes mellitus; Non nutrients; Hepatic; Pancreatic; Incretin; Insulin receptor; Post prandial blood sugar; Glycaemic control</p>

Published: 2018-07-26

Investigation of Arson

Fire is a controlled phenomenon in which appearances oxidation of organic substances which generates heat and light. Fire is a key element in the evolution of ...

Keywords: <p>Fire; Arson; Investigation; Criminal act</p>

Published: 2018-07-21

About Modern Requirements to Higher and Postgraduate Education Ophthalmologists

Describes the main results and the final resolution of 3rd Global Congress of Pediatric Ophthalmology, London, March 22-23, 2018. The analysis of the most impor...

Keywords: Physiology and biomechanics of the eye; The physiology of vision; Video security

Pediatrician’s Innovative Approach in Everyday Work with Children and Adolescents

As children are constantly growing and changing (psycho-physically) during the years of ageing and growing up in an adult person, searching for homeostasis, fo...

Keywords: Pediatrician; Gestalt psychotherapy; Gestalt techniques; Holistic approach

Published: 2018-07-21

Lymphoepithelial Cyst in Oral Cavity

The oral lymphoepithelial cyst (OLC) is a rare cyst of the oral cavity. Oral lymphoid tissue is normally found in the area of mouth called Waldeyer’s ring that ...

Keywords: <p>Oral lymphoepithelial cyst</p>