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Behavioral Phenotypes in Genetic Syndromes Associated with Intellectual Disability and Autism

Studies of psychological and genetic factors underlying behavioral phenotypes in autism and intellectual disability are relevant for clinical psychology and med...

Keywords: Behavioral phenotype; Intellectual disability; Autism; Genetic syndrome; Clinical psychology

Published: 2018-05-18

<p>Breastfeeding and Nutritional Status among Children in Thailand</p>

Background: Breastfeeding is the gold standard when it comes to infant nutrition, and no artificially produced infant formula will ever be able to replace it. I...

Keywords: <p>Breastfeeding; Weight-for-age; Height-for-age; Weight-for-height</p>

Published: 2018-05-10

Translocation of Lingual Thyroid: A Case Report

Ectopic thyroid is a rare congenital disease associated with compressive symptoms and hypothyroidism. It requires careful detection and well-planned surgical tr...

Keywords: <p>Ectopic thyroid; Dyspnea; Hypothyroidism; Translocation</p>

<p>Egg Allergy</p>

This section of my article is the continuation of my previous article which was on generalized food allergy. In the current article, I will focus on the THIRD a...

Keywords: <p>Anaphylaxis, Pseudoallergy</p>

Published: 2018-05-07

Blue Eyes Keep Away the Winter Blues: Is Blue Eye Pigmentation an Evolved Feature to Provide Resilience to Seasonal Affective Disorder?

In Seasonal Affective Disorder an individual’s mood varies with the seasons such that the sufferer is often ‘up-beat’ in summer, being high spirited and full of...

Keywords: Seasonal affective disorder; Photoperiod; Eye-Colour; Adaptation; Latitude

<p>The Significance of Disease Perception in Cancer and Nursing</p>

Cancer causes premature death if not diagnosed and treated early. One of the most important factors in coping with cancer is the illness perception. Illness per...

Keywords: <p>Cancer; Illness; Perception; Nursing</p>

Published: 2018-05-04

Spacing Effects for Face Recognition as a Function of Study-Phase Retrieval: Divided Attention and Age as Criteria for Automaticity

The spacing effect for the recognition of face-name pairs, faces and names was explored in Experiments 1a (focused attention) and 1b (divided attention). A lag ...

Keywords: Spacing effect; Lag effect; Distributed and massed learning; Face-recognition; Focused and divided attention; Voluntary and involuntary processing; Perceptual repetition priming

Published: 2018-04-30

<p>‘Diabetes Cure in 72 Hrs’: Increasing Number of Bogus Claims in the Reversal and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – A Review</p>

The global increase in the incidence of diabetes is driving people to seek for a diabetes ‘cure’, especially in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Capitalising on the gr...

Keywords: <p>Diabetes Cure; Bogus claims; Glucometer</p>

Published: 2018-04-30

An Attempt to Eradicate Alcohol Dependency from Adult Men in Service Privately managed Pharmaceutical Institutions in India

Perception of alcohol use among well –educated employee of pharmacy institution before and after the office hour in Pune University, India. The high risk of exp...

Keywords: Alcohol; Adult men; Pharmaceutical; Pupil

Published: 2018-04-17

<p>The Threat of Antibiotic Resistance and Super Bugs - A National and Global Perspective</p>

Now a day's Antibiotic resistance (AR) has been called one of the world's most important public health problems. From discovery, scientists also gave warning ab...

Keywords: Antibiotic resistance; Super bugs; Pathogens