Progress in Aqua Farming and Marine Biology ISSN: 2640-6764
Research Article
External Body Characteristics and Proximate Composition of Rocky Freshwater Prawn, Caridina Africana (Kingsley, 1882) Captured in Erin-Ijesa Waterfalls, South West Nigeria
Published: 2018-11-02


An investigation was conducted on the morphometric features and proximate body composition of Rocky freshwater prawn, Caridina africana occurring at Erin-Ijesa Waterfalls in Osun State, Nigeria. The adult prawns were collected at the first layer of the Waterfalls using scoop nets and locally fabricated sieves because of the shallow nature of the water body and tiny size of the species. Morphometric features were measured using measuring board and Vernier calipers while the proximate analysis was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the laboratory. The morphometric variables placed the species correctly into the Infra-order Caridea and family Atyidae because the first and second chelipeds were shorter than the remaining three pairs of walking legs. Male prawns were significantly bigger (p


Morphometrics; Caridina Africana; Proximate Composition; Micronutrients; Erin-Ijesa Waterfalls