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Published: 2018-12-22

<p>Patient Education: Effective Vision for True Compliance</p>

Patient education ensures that healthcare team is working together on patients&rsquo; individual medication plan, in conjunction with the rest of treatment, is...

Keywords: <p>American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP); Medical and Non-Medical Context of Education; National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE); Patient Compliance; Patient Counseling; Patient Package Inserts (PPIs)</p>

Published: 2018-12-22

<p>The Enigma of Patient Behavior</p>

Patient behavior is often described as disruptive behavior as they have an altered mental stage of fear of being sick, anxious about out of the pocket cost, alt...

Keywords: <p>Health Beliefs and Perception; Patient Counseling; Patient Comprehension and Recall; Patient Motivation; Patient Feedback; Patient Compliance.</p>

Published: 2018-12-21

Endodontic Treatment of Complex Curved Root Canal System

Extensive knowledge of root canal anatomy is a prerequisite tool for the success of root canal therapy. It is mandatory for clinician to have a complete knowle...

Keywords: Curvature; Premolar; Pre-curve files; Glide path

Published: 2018-12-21

Understanding Electric Pulp Testing

Many dentists find use of the Electric Pulp Tester (EPT - a diagnostic tool historically used to determine the vitality of dental pulps) perplexing if not usel...

Keywords: Necrobiosis; Electric Pulp Tester; Necrosis; Electrolyte

Published: 2018-12-19

<p>Exploring NP Practice and Satisfaction in Primary Care at one Southern California HealthCare Institution</p>

Background: In the United States, as Primary Care physician shortage is predicted to worsen over the next decade, nurse practitioner providers (NPs) play an inc...

Keywords: <p>Nurse Practitioners (NPs); Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs), Satisfaction; NP practice; Southern California; NP attrition; NP retention; NP satisfaction; NP work environment; intent to stay; Maslow hierarchy of needs</p>

Published: 2018-12-19

Shock Wave Therapy and Ultrasound Therapy plus Exercises for Frozen Shoulder Joint Clients

Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess influence of shockwave therapy plus exercise and ultrasound therapy plus exercises on pain severity and range of mo...

Keywords: <p>Shockwave therapy (SWT); Ultrasound therapy (UST); Exercises; Frozen shoulder</p>

Published: 2018-12-19

Is It Possible to Reduce the Cost of Treatment of Acute Pneumonia?

This message is intended primarily for specialists in the field of acute inflammatory lung diseases who are familiar with the problems of treatment of acute p...

Keywords: Acute Pneumonia; Bewilderment; Acute Inflammatory Lung Diseases

Published: 2018-12-18

Applying the Lifestyle Routine Activities Theory to Explore Predictors of Various Types of Offending Behaviors among Adolescents in the United States

Although predictors of criminal offense committed by minors have been examined extensively over the years, most researchers have focused specifically on serious...

Keywords: <p>Juvenile offense; Self-control; Risky lifestyle; Proximity to crime; Social bonds</p>

Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia: A New Avenue for Research Publication

It’s great pleasure to announce the release of first Inaugural issue of the Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia (JCRPA) on the eve of New Yea...

Keywords: Dental Anaesthesia; Clinical Research; Pain Management; Obstetric

Published: 2018-12-18

<p>Pesticides and Cancer amongst Farmers in Richard-Toll, North of Senegal</p>

Cancer has the most devastating economic impact of any cause of death in the world. Whereas, pesticides represent a potential public health hazard of note in fa...

Keywords: Pesticides; Cancer; Farmers; Senegal

Published: 2018-12-12

New Era of Genetic Risk Variants, Genetic Risk Score and Gene Therapy for Management of Coronary Artery Disease

Keywords: Genomic Medicine; Genetic; Epidemiological; Adulthood; Framingham Risk; Cardiopulmonary Bypass; Cardiovascular disease; Gene Therapy

If We Want… Yes, I Am Autistic, But I Can…

Autism Spectrum Disorders (PEA) is developmental disorders that affect individuals at different levels - behavioral, linguistic and social - and in different ...

Keywords: Autism; Autonomy; Psychology

Published: 2018-12-11

<p>Information and Preference of Consumers at Yalova/Turkey on Probiotic Table Olive</p>

This research aimed to determine probiotic olive preference of consumers from Yalova/Turkey as well as provide some information about probiotic olive awareness ...

Keywords: <p>Probiotic consumption; Probiotic bacteria; Nutrition; Probiotic taste</p>

From Efficient Purification to Sustainable Energy

This naive attempt failed because there are incredible contradictions in modern society. International law does not allow the patenting of objects or industri...

Published: 2018-12-06

Cassia Sophera – The Unearthed Poly Crest

Keywords: Cassia sophera; Indian drug; Poly crest; Anti-allergy; Constitutional

Published: 2018-12-05

Osteoma of Facial Nerve Canal with Cholesteatoma: A Rarest of Rare Presentation

Objective: Osteoma Occurs Almost Exclusively in The Head and Neck Region, only Rarely Present into the Facial Canal.We Reported an Incidental Finding of Osteoma...

Keywords: <p>Facial nerve dysfunction; Middle ear lesions; Middle ear osteoma; Cholesteoma</p>

Psoriasis Herpeticum in an Immunosuppressed Female Patient

Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption (KVE) is a disseminated life threatening cutaneous infection caused by several viruses, mainly herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 and ...

Keywords: Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption; Psoriasis herpeticum; Chemotherapy; Tzanck smear; Herpes

Published: 2018-12-04

Variations in Police Leadership: Experiential Ambiguity

This study is focused upon leadership styles, i.e. potential; &ldquo;lassiez-fair&rdquo;; &ldquo;resigned&rdquo;; and &ldquo;negative&rdquo; others, expressed b...

Keywords: <p>Police; Leadership; Lassiez-fair; Resignation; Negative leadership; Resigned dissatisfaction; Potential leadership</p>

Published: 2018-12-03

Investigation on Dr Kazuko’s Onnetsu Therapy effect of Far Infrared and Terahertz Vibration for various Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Diseases

Onnetsu means comfortable heat. Dr Kazuko’s Onnetsu Therapy invented by Dr. Kazuko Hillyer Tatsumura emits from a special ceramic; 1) Precise 8-10μ of vibratio...

Keywords: Dr Kazukos Onnetsu Therapy; Far Infrared Onnetsu Therapy; Far Infrared Therapy; Terahertz Vibration Therapy; Cancer Therapy; Dr Kazuko Tatsumura and Onnetsu Therapy

Adoption of Plants in Phytoremediation

Keywords: <p>Pollutants; Environment; Phytoextraction;Phytodegradation; Phytostabilization; Phytovotalization;Heavy metal; Agricultural chemicals; Phytoremediation;Bioremediation; Plants</p>

Published: 2018-12-01

The Patient Waiting List Dilemma. Strategies Options to Solve a Social Injustice

“Organ shortage” still remains a dramatic problem faced by patients awaiting organ transplantation. Getting organs for transplantation depends on people's decis...

Keywords: Organ shortage; Social behavior; Barriers to donation; Waiting list mortality; Medical education; Donation in schools curricula

Published: 2018-11-30

A Radical Holistic Approach to Working with Adults with Learning Disabilities to Encourage Optimum Potential. Combining the Human Voice (Toning) with Energy Field Alignment to Access Higher Intuitive Pathways Beyond the Cognitive Faculties

A Study of an alternative holistic approach for adults with learning disabilities demonstrating a methodology to open up the higher intuitive pathways beyond th...

Keywords: Learning disabilities; Cognition; Trauma; Vibration; Intuition; Multidimensional consciousness; Sociability; Behaviour; Memory; Imprints; Radical approach; Self-help; Vocal toning; Energy field alignment; Emerald alignment; Electromagnetic field; Subtle energy system; Chakras; Case studies; Potential; Alternative methodology; Perception; Holism; Harmony; Human energy field

DNA, Diseases; Stress

Keywords: Environment; Stress; Immune function; Depression; Pituitary hormones; Biological organisms

Published: 2018-11-28

When Post-Transplant IgA Deposition is not Recurrent Disease

Background: Post-transplant immunoglobulin A (IgA) deposition can represent donor-related or de novo disease. We aimed to examine post-transplant outcomes in th...

Keywords: Immunoglobulin A; Kidney transplant; Kidney donor; Glomerulonephritis

Published: 2018-11-27

Assessment of Field Availability Status and Medicinal Uses of Four Terrestrial Orchid Species of Darjeeling Himalaya of West Bengal, India

The Darjeeling Himalayan region is a natural green house for a large number of Tropical, Sub tropical, Temperate, Sub temperate and Sub alpine Orchid species. W...

Keywords: Field availability status; Medicinal uses; Four terrestrial Orchid species; Darjeeling Himalaya, West Bengal; India

Published: 2018-11-27

<p>The New Era of Patient Communication and Relationship Management</p>

In the healthcare sector the key customers are patients. Hospitals may offer better care by establishing a long-term relationship between the hospital and a pa...

Keywords: <p>Customer relationship management; Patient communication; Patient satisfaction; Patient reminder; Compliance; Counselling; Patient motivation</p>

Published: 2018-11-27

<p>Impact of an Obstructive Sleep Apnea Education Program on Continuous Positive Airway (CPAP) Adherence A Pilot Study</p>

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is an under diagnosed and common disorder that is associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events and neurocogn...

Keywords: <p>Continuous Positive Airway Pressure; Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Excessive Daytime Sleepiness; Polysomnography; Hypopnea Index; Electro Encephalogram</p>