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Published: 2019-01-21

Unilateral Rhinolith with Fractured Nasal Bone-A Case Report

Large nasal stones are now a very rare occurrence, since improved diagnostic techniques, such as endoscopic/microscopic rhinoscopy, now make it possible to iden...

Keywords: <p>Middle aged male; Large unilateral rhinolith; Fractured nasal bone; DNS</p>

The Prevalence of Bicycle Injuries in a Large Urban Hospital

Background: Popularization of bicycle use in American cities has led to an increased number of related injuries. The purpose of this study was to determine the...

Keywords: <p>Bicycle; Helmet; Trauma; Injury; Accident</p>

Published: 2019-01-19

Drugs To Treat Type 2 Diabetes: Where Are We Going? And How To Face Their Risks

Glucagon like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1RA) agonists and Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4i) inhibitors are drugs commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes. In some situa...

Keywords: <p>Type 2 diabetes; Cholangiocarcinoma; GLP1 agonist receptor; DPP4 inhibitor</p>

Published: 2019-01-18

Microkinesiotheraphy Applied in Veterinary Medicine: Benefits of Microkinesiotherapy Veterinary in the Treatment of Different Pathologies

Microkinesiotherapy is a technique of manual therapy developed in France in the 80's, based on embryology, phylogenesis and ontogenesis. It assumes that all the...

Testimony for Veterinary Apitherapy

Nowadays by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, multi-drug resistant pathogens (MDR) developed and spread, so searching for effective natural antimicrobials ...

Keywords: Apitherapy; Fennel; Antimicrobial; Antioxidant; Immune boosting; Wound healing; Methoxychlor toxicity

Maternal Factors Associated with Female Genital Cutting of Daughters in Nigeria: A National Population Based Study

Background: The practice of female genital cutting has negative impacts on reproductive health and this has long term implications on the life of the girl child...

Keywords: Prevalence; Maternal factors; Girl child; Female genital cutting; Nigeria

Published: 2019-01-17

Salt Consumption and Its Impact on Health

A small amount of salt is important for good health; it helps to maintain the correct fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. However, most people consume mu...

Keywords: <p>Salt; High blood pressure; Highly salted processed foods</p>

Published: 2019-01-12

Awareness of Nursing Students at AAUP towards Using Infection Control Strategies in Hospitals

Risk factors for infection include improper care for patients, and incorrect use of infection control strategies, for that there is a need to increase the level...

Keywords: <p>Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Nurses&rsquo; students.</p>

Published: 2019-01-12

Exact Field Status, Habitat and Local Distribution of Orchid Species of Darjeeling Himalaya of West Bengal, India

Darjeeling Himalaya is the northernmost part of West Bengal occupies a distinctive position in the floristic map of India since the region is estimated to contr...

Keywords: <p>Orchid species; Exact field status; Habitat; Local distribution; Darjeeling Himalaya; India</p>

Published: 2019-01-12

Erosion-Ecological Dangers of Land in Azerbaijan and Their Solutions (in the Example of the North-Eastern Part of the Territory of the Republic)

Annotation: The article discusses natural-economic climate and agro-climatic conditions, geological structure, soil and vegetation cover Guba-Khachmazzones of A...

Keywords: <p>Erosion; Degradation; Ravine; Beams; Soil fertility; Topography; Soil moisture</p>

Published: 2019-01-11

Bibliometric Analysis of the International Head and Neck Scientific Group Production

Objective: Multidisciplinary groups with a focus on analyzing medical literature are scarce in the head and neck oncology. We summarize the International Head a...

Keywords: <p>Head and neck; Review; Bibliometrics; Publications; Interdisciplinary communication</p>

Published: 2019-01-11

Emerging Concepts in Medicinal Chemistry for Development of High Potency Drugs and Diagnostics

This article explains dire need of highly effective drugs as most of the antibiotics are either failed to do action as microbes have developed multiple resistan...

Keywords: Broad spectrum antibiotics; Drug catabolizing genes; Biological scissor; Biological interactions; Microbial diseases.

Published: 2019-01-11

A Rare Case of Delayed Presentation of Sternal Wound Infection 5 Years Post Midline Sternotomy for Aortic Valve Replacement

Delayed sternal wound infection is the most feared complication of a midline sternotomy. The incidence of sternal wound infection reported to be 1.5% and the lo...

Keywords: Delayed sternal infection; Biofilm; Staphylococcus; Smoking

Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in a Moroccan Sample

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous multifactorial endocrine metabolic disorder and reproductive endocrine problem in women of childbearing age....

Keywords: Polycystic ovary syndrome; Androgenic

Published: 2019-01-09

A Retrospective Study on Determinants of Successful Electrical Cardioversion in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Single Center Study

Aim: To investigate the determinants of successful cardioversion in selective group of patients admitted electively for electrical cardioversion (DCCV) in our c...

Keywords: Electrical cardioversion; Chronic kidney disease; Patients

Published: 2019-01-08

Competitive Topological Models of Emulsion Polymerization

The main components of the emulsion polymerization (EP) are the monomer, water, emulsifier and initiator. Usually molecules of the emulsifier do not participat...

Keywords: <p>Polymerization; Emulsion; Micelles; Latex</p>

Published: 2019-01-08

Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate {Al 4 (SiO 4 ) 3 + 3Mg 2 SiO 4 → 2Al 2 Mg3 (SiO4)3} normalizes immunity and Terminates HIV-Infections

After three months` trial of Medicinal synthetic Aluminum-magnesium silicate (MSAMS, Nanoparticles) for antiretroviral efficacy, CD4 counts of treated patients ...

Keywords: Nanoparticles; Opposite electrical charges; Normalizing immunity; Unmasking “HIV infections”; Infectionstermination

A Case of Arteriovenous Haemangioma in the Neck Masquerading as a Brachial Cleft Cyst in a Young Adult

Arteriovenous haemangiomas are a rare entity and it constitutes 7-10 % of all soft tissue lesions. They usually present as swellings with skin discoloration and...

Keywords: <p>Arteriovenous haemangioma; Acral haemangioma; Branchial cyst</p>

Diabetes Glaucoma Cure & Type2 Cure (Obesity and Stress Related Diabetes)

Statement of the Problem: Diabetes Type 2 & Glaucoma Healing. As most of us are aware Type 2 diabetes can be controlled and cured completely with the diet, work...

Evaluation of Glutathione-S-Transferase, Lactate Dehydrogenase, Alkaline Phosphatase and Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Monitoring of Response to Chemotherapy in Stomach Cancer Patients

A large proportion of human cancers are claimed to be caused by lifestyle or dietary factors. The digestive tract is major site of cancers in humans. Several bi...

Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase; Lactate dehydrogenase; Glutathione-s-transferase; Carcinoembryonic antigen; Cisplatin chemotherapy; 5-Fluorouracil

Transforaminal Lumbar Inter Body Fusion versus Instrumented Posterolateral Fusion in Degenerative Lumbar Spine Diseases

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the outcomes of transforaminal lumbar inter body fusion (TLIF) versus instrumented Posterolateral fusion ...

Keywords: <p>Transforaminal; Posterolateral; Fusion; Lumbar; Degenerative</p>

Published: 2019-01-04

Enantiomeric Separation of Selenomethionine Using Liquid Chromatographic Techniques and its Biological Importance: A Review

Selenomethionine (2-amino-4-methylselanylbutanoic acid) is a Se-containing naturally occurring chiral amino acid and is well known for its dietary and biologica...

Keywords: Selenomethionine; Enantiomeric separation; Chiral selector; Chiral derivatizing reagent; High-performance liquid chromatography; Thin layer chromatography

Published: 2019-01-03

Oncoepigenomics and Oncoecogenomics: Personalizing the Cancer Treatment

The vast majority of cancer cases are due to environmental risk factors, many of which (but not all) being controllable lifestyle choices and thus preventable. ...

Keywords: Epimutations; Immunotherapy; Oncoecogenomics; Oncoepigenomics; Oncogenomics; Reverse transcriptome; Transcriptome.

Published: 2019-01-03

Poor Quality Drug Preparations May Lead to Adverse Clinical Results Both in Terms of Low Efficacy and in the Development of Drug Resistance

The strategy of price liberalization and privatization had been implemented in Sudan over the last decade, and has had a positive result on government deficit. ...

Keywords: <p>Counterfeits Medicines; Drug Importers; Quality of Medicines; Regulatory Authorities</p>

Published: 2019-01-03

Case Reports: An Important Source of Data for Forensic Medicine and Forensic Pathology

Case Reports are detailed descriptions of the circumstances, physical presentations, medical features, treatments, and presents unique features of an individual...

Keywords: <p>Forensic; Case reports; History; Medical; Publications</p>

Published: 2019-01-02

<p>The Functional Role of Blood Elements on Cardiac Factors</p>

Keywords: Blood element; Hemoglobin; Cardiac factors; Blood element level; Association

Published: 2018-12-31

A Downstream Strategy to Counteract the Effects of Eutrophication in Lagoon Environments

Here I want to focus on the environmental management of coastal shallow water, eutrophic areas, such as lagoons, estuaries and brackish lakes. It is now about...

Keywords: Eutrophication; Dystrophic Crises; Mineralization

Published: 2018-12-31

Feed Based Vaccine in Aquaculture

Aquaculture is growing more rapidly than all other food animal-producing sectors; its contribution to global supplies of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquati...

Keywords: Vaccine; Fish; Aquaculture

Published: 2018-12-31

Use of Tracer Techniques for Production of Quality Fish Juveniles

The production of good quality marine fish fry for farming has improved in recent years due to scientific and technical advances. However, the mass production ...

Keywords: Production; Quality; Requirements