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Metabolic Dys-regulation and Its Impact on Neurological Disorders: A Biochemical Perspective

Metabolic dys-regulation, being a multifaceted phenomenon, encompasses a vast array of biochemical anomalies that can exert a profound influence on neurological...

Keywords: Disease Mechanisms; Inflammation; Metabolic Dys-regulation; Neurological Disorders; Metabolism

An Idiopathic Case of Dural Ectasia at the Dorsolumbar Junction -A Case Report and Review of Literature

An eleven-year-old girl followed up in our department presented with swelling over the mid and lower back with intermittent back pain. Neurological examination ...

Keywords: Dural ectasia; Lateral meningoceles; Marfan’s syndrome

An Insight into Post COVID-19 Interventions

The World Health Organization has labelled the current COVID-19 outbreak a worldwide public health emergency of international significance (WHO). The latest da...

Keywords: COVID-19 Infection; Antiviral Medications; Corticosteroids, Vaccinations; and Monoclonal Antibodies

Published: 2024-11-04

Automated Cortical Thickness Analysis (ACTA) in Neuroimaging: A Literary Review

Automated Cortical Thickness Analysis (ACTA) has emerged as a pivotal tool in neuroimaging, enabling the precise measurement of cortical thickness from structur...

Keywords: Automated Cortical Thickness Analysis (ACTA); Autism Spectrum Disorder; Neuroimaging; Machine Learning Techniques; Biomarkers

Published: 2024-11-04

Relationship of Cardiovascular Diseases with Denture in Dentistry

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure, are posing increasing burden to the healthcare systems. C...

Keywords: Cardiovascular Diseases; Denture; Dentistry

Published: 2024-11-04

Direct Bonding in Diastema Closure High Drama, Immediate Resolution

Diastema is described as space more than 0.5 mm between the teeth. It is the most usual forms of incomplete occlusion present usually between the maxillary inc...

Keywords: Midline Diastema Closure; Direct Composite Resin; Layering Technique; Esthetic; Bonding

Published: 2024-11-04

Echoes of Uncertainty: Investigating Adult Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder- A Diagnostic Odyssey

Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) presents a formidable diagnostic challenge in audiology due to its intricate interplay between peripheral and centr...

Keywords: Auditory; ANSD; Neuropathy; Hearing

There is no Doubt that Protein Sources are Very Diverse and Most of Their Consumption Comes from Meat Sources

Protein sources are highly diverse, with a significant portion coming from meat. According to 2023 statistics, there are 34.4 billion chickens worldwide, of w...

Keywords: Laying Hens; Poultry Life Cycle; Egg Production; Hatchery Management; Layer Breeds

Published: 2024-11-01

A Study on Life Satisfaction of Elderly People

Life satisfaction is the degree to which a person positively evaluates the overall quality of one’s life as a whole. This study was carried out among a randomly...

Keywords: Life Satisfaction; Elderly People; Kerala; Wellbeing

Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD): Drawing Attention and Concern about its Current Status

Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) is a seasonal haemorrhagic viral fever observed in the region of Western Ghats of South India. It is an endemic caused by Kyasanur...

Keywords: Kyasanur Forest Disease; Endemic; Ticks; Monkeys; Rare Disease

Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Masquerading as an Indolent and Seemingly Benign Skin Lesion

A 55-year-old woman complained of increased swelling in her left periorbital area and forehead. Her medical history told us that over the past two years, she ha...

Keywords: B-Cell Lymphoma Masquerading; Periorbital Area; Lymphoma; Ophthalmoplegia

Published: 2024-10-29

A Review on Antidiabetogenic Activity of Jamun, Syzygium Cumini Family- Myrtaceae

Jamun or Syzygium cumini family Myrtaceae belongs to the angiosperms group of plants. Jamun has been used in India to treat diabetes since the Vedic era. Diabet...

Keywords: Jamun; Traditional Medicine; Antidiabetic; Cytotoxicity; Cytokine; Phytochemicals

Published: 2024-10-29

Synthesis of ZnO-CuO Nanocomposite for Antibacterial Application

In this study, a 0.95ZnO-0.5CuO nanocomposite was successfully synthesized using the solution combustion method at a temperature of 500°C for 6 hours. The stru...

Keywords: E. coli; Composite; Structure; Optical Property; Antibacterial Activity

Published: 2024-10-29

Recherche Entity-Basal Cell Adenoma of the Parotid gland: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Basal cell adenoma of the salivary gland is an infrequently encountered monomorphic adenoma, representing approximately 1–2% of all salivary gland tumors. It ty...

Keywords: Basal Cell Adenoma; Parotid Gland

Published: 2024-10-29

The Impact of Lateral Osteotomy during Septorhinoplasty in Correcting Traumatic External Nasal Deformity

Nasal bone fractures are the maximum among facial injuries. Correction of nasal bone deviation is often incomplete and may result in unsuccessful surgery. Vario...

Keywords: Nasal Bone; Nasal Pyramid; Septorhinoplasty; Osteotomy

Published: 2024-10-28

Identification of Novel Mutations in Complex I Subunit Mtdna in Patients with Leber’s Disease

Introduction: Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a rare disease with bilateral optic atrophy, the main cause is mitochondrial genetic mutations associa...

Keywords: mtDNA; LHON; Complex I

Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICPAES)

The paper explains how the excitation of electrons and ions, which release light at certain wavelengths when they return to lower energy levels, produces uniqu...

Keywords: Absorption Spectra; Plasma Diagnostics; Plasma Spectroscopy; Dynamic Environments; Analytical Techniques

Published: 2024-10-28

Echoes of Pocket-Exploring Periodontal Peaks with Photoacoustic Imaging (PAI)

Periodontal disease remains a significant public health concern, necessitating accurate and efficient diagnostic tools for timely intervention. Assessment of p...

Keywords: Photoacoustic Imaging; Ultrasound; Periodontal Pocket; Cuttlefish Ink; Hockey Stick Style Transducer

Published: 2024-10-28

Management of Tilted Juxta-Abutment Teeth with Simplified Guiding Plane Technique – A Clinical Tip

The management of fixed prosthodontics often necessitates the preparation of healthy abutment teeth, which can inadvertently disrupt their natural contours and...

Keywords: Guiding Plane; Black Triangle; Tilted teeth

Emphysematous Pyelonephritis in Diabetic Patient: A Case Report

Background: EPN is a severe necrotizing infection of the kidney and its surroundings. It is an uncommon infection, occurring mostly in patients with diabetes ...

Keywords: Kidney; Pyelonephritis; CT Scan; Diabetes-Mellitus

Published: 2024-10-25

Theory of Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV)

As the world’s population grows, aquaculture is becoming increasingly important in meeting the global demand for high-quality protein. Tilapia, a resilient and ...

Keywords: Antinutrients; Undomesticated; Legume Vigna Racemosa; Processing

Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Intra-Articular Steroid Injection and Hydrodilatation, Combined with Home Exercises in Patients with Adhesive Capsulitis: A Case Series

Background: Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by an initial painful phase leading to significant stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint...

Keywords: Adhesive Capsulitis; Ultrasound-Guided Intraarticular Injection; Glenohumeral Approach; Methylprednisolone

Published: 2024-10-24

A Study to Compare the Difference in Effect of a Nursing Intervention Package on the Attitude Regarding Good Touch and Bad Touch between Urban Adolescents and Rural Adolescents Studying in Selected Schools of Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Background: Globally, two-third of all victims of CSA are adolescents. In India this abuse peaks at 12 to 15 years of age and then starts to decline. Urban stu...

Keywords: Chile Sexual Abuse; Adolescents; Nursing Intervention Package; Attitude Rating Scale

Published: 2024-10-24

Angle Determination in ECG Using Trigonometric Formula

Angle determination in ECG can be calculated using trigonometric mathematical formula. Conventionally, they used to analyze the axis (angle) of P,QRS and T wav...

Keywords: ECG Wave; Axis determination; Tan α

Published: 2024-10-24

Reasonability of Carrying out Intra-Arterial Selective Chemotherapy (Cisplatin) in Combination with Photodestruction, Brachytherapy and Interferon Therapy in Patients with Uveal Melanoma

Purpose: To study the effectiveness of selective intra-arterial chemotherapy (SICA) (cisplatin) in combination with photodestruction, brachytherapy (BT) and int...

Keywords: Uveal Melanoma; Organ-Sparing Treatment; Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy

Published: 2024-10-24

Visuo-Ocular Prosthesis and the Road Ahead

Ocular prosthesis has been a popular rehabilitation modality ever since their introduction in 1960s for patients with congenital or acquired ocular defect and p...

Keywords: Ocular Prosthesis; Congenital; Phthisis Bulbi; Prosthodontics

Published: 2024-10-23

Eliminating Ghost Peaks in LC-MS/MS: Enhancing Accuracy Through Advanced Analytical Techniques

Ghost peaks in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) pose significant analytical challenges, frequently resulting in inaccurate ...

Keywords: Ghost Peaks; LC-MS/MS; Drug Analysis; Trouble Shooting

Variables Influencing Executive Functions

Executive function refers to a cluster of cognitive processes like working memory, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control. These skills are found to be p...

Keywords: Cognitive Flexibility; Cognitive Processes; Response Inhibition; Decline; Senility; Senescence