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Published: 2024-10-22

Herbal Traditional Remedies for Treatment of Conjunctivitis

People emphasize financial gain over personal well-being in today’s fast-paced environment, frequently ignoring their health in the process. They put wealth be...

Keywords: Conjunctivitis; Natural Remedies; Viral Conjunctivitis; Bacterial Conjunctivitis; Turmeric; Neem

Published: 2024-10-21

What We Knew Versus What We Know Now: Diabetes

Diabetes has been at the centre of many a debate in the public health space; experts in the field have carried out numerous studies into how this disease manife...

Keywords: Diabetes; History; Prevalence of Diabetes; Epidemiology; Nutrition

Published: 2024-10-21

A Narrative Review on Comparison of Different Surgical Procedures like Cox-Maze IV, Cryo-Maze, and Electrocautery Maze Procedures for Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent cardiac arrhythmia that increases the risk of stroke and heart failure. Surgical interventions such as the Cox-Maze IV, ...

Keywords: Radiofrequency; Electrocautery; Cardiovascular; Surgery

Published: 2024-10-21

Coronally Advanced Flap in Conjunction with Hyaluronic Acid Application to Treat Localized Gingival Recession

Objectives: The coronally advanced flap (CAF) is a set of techniques that combines surgery with the inclusion of different regenerative materials and biologic ...

Keywords: Gingival Recession; Miller Class I; Caf; Hyaluronic Acid

Published: 2024-10-21

Preventıon of Relapse After Orthodontıc Treatment: A Revıew on Retaıner Selectıon and Long Term Use

Introduction: Orthodontic relapse refers to the return of teeth and skeletal structures to their original positions after treatment, leading to the reappearanc...

Keywords: Gingival Recession; Miller Class I; Caf; Hyaluronic Acid

Published: 2024-10-21

Budesonide – Oral Galenic Formulations for Chron’s Disease

Aim of this work is to verify the farmaceutical form of oral Budesonide compounded used in Chron’s disease: capsules delay release or oral suspension. In parti...

Keywords: Budesonide; Chron’s Disease; Pediatric; Delay Release; Capsules Acido Resistance Filled With Hpmc; Metolose; Methocel; Orals Suspension; Ready for use Veicle; 3d Printing

Published: 2024-10-21

Agronomic Practices for Management of Ginger Bacterial Wilt Disease: A Review

Ginger is one of the most important spices, particularly for small-scale farmers in Ethiopia. However, bacterial wilt is a major constraint to ginger productio...

Keywords: Ginger; Bacterial Wilt; Disease Management; Agronomic Practices; Integrated Pest Management

Published: 2024-10-21

Multi-Environment Trial Analysis Using Linear Mixed Model for the Bread Wheat Genotypes in Ethiopia

The primary source of variation between genotypes evaluated across different environments is Genotype by Environment GXE interaction. Not all genotypes interac...

Keywords: GXE; MET; Heritability; Stable; Yellow Rust; Stem Rust

Published: 2024-10-21

Effect of Various Composition of Planting Media on the Growth of Calliandra Calothyrsus Meissen Seedlings on Critical Lands

Reforestation of degraded forest land is very important to control economic and ecological functions in a balanced manner. Replanting requires plant species th...

Keywords: Media Type; Calliandra Calothyrsus; Critical Lands

Published: 2024-10-21

In Vitro Screening for Antagonistic ability of Plant Growth Promoting Strains of Pseudomonas, Azotobacter and Azospirillum Spp.

Plant growth promoting bacteria used as biofertilizers for nutrient solubilization and nitrogen fixation also has the potential to suppress disease causing pat...

Published: 2024-10-18

Comparison of OSDI Score & Conjunctival Ultraviolet Autofluorescence in Normals and Dry Eye Patients

Purpose: We investigated the association between ocular surface disease index (OSDI) score and conjunctival ultraviolet autofluorescence (CUVAF) in normals and ...

Keywords: Dry Eye; OSDI; Conjunctival Ultraviolet Autofluorescence; CUVAF; Sun Exposure; UV Exposure; Teal Film

Published: 2024-10-17

A Rare Case of Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome with Multisystem Manifestations

Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS) is an exceptionally rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterised by the elongation and tortuosity of arteries, of...

Keywords: Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome; Elongation and Tortuosity of Arteries; Aneurysms; SLC2A10 Gene Mutation; GLUT 10 Deficiency; Hernia; Distinctive Facial Features; Musculoskeletal Anomalies; Ventricular Septal Defect; Medium Sized Arteries

Forensic Analysis of Serial Offender Behavior: A Study of Psychological and Behavioral Profiling

This paper delves into the forensic analysis of serial offender behavior, emphasizing the integration of psychological and behavioral profiling in solving crime...

Keywords: Serial Offender Behavior; Behavioral Profiling; Criminal Investigation; Forensic Psychology; Predictive Profiling

Published: 2024-10-16

Case Report on Rhabdomyosarcoma of Middle Ear in a 4 Year Old Child: A Rare Case

Introduction: Rhabdomyosarcoma accounts for up to 60% of childhood soft tissue sarcoma, occurring mostly in the head and neck region but rarely in the ear and t...

Keywords: Rhabdomyosarcoma; Chronic Otitis Media; Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma

Published: 2024-10-16

Indian Perspective towards Emotional Intelligence

‘Emotional intelligence’ is a term introduced by western psychology and is widely acclaimed and considered as a new dimension to the concept of ability mapping....

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence; Indian Perspective

Insulin: Myths and Facts

We come across many patients reluctant to start Insulin when prescribed by their doctor. They bear many misconceptions, apprehensions and uncertainties regar...

Published: 2024-10-15

Assessing the Water Quality of River Obazagbon, Edo State, Nigeria Using Physicochemical and Bacteriological Parameters

Quality water supply is a major challenge to the world populace over the last few centuries due to the alarming concern of diseases outbreak caused by the consu...

Keywords: Water Assessment; Water Borne Diseases; Physicochemical; Bacteriological Parameters

Published: 2024-10-15

Comparative Study of Ketofol and Propofol-Fentanyl Combination for Sedation and Analgesia during Tubal Sterilisation Procedures at a Tertiary Care Centre in Hyderabad

Background: The study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of two sedation regimens – Ketofol (a combination of ketamine and propofol) and a propofol-fenta...

Keywords: Ketofol; Propofol-Fentanyl; Sedation; Hemodynamic Stability; Tubal Sterilization

Study of University Counseling Students Acceptance and Preference of YouTube Video Training Content vs in Person for Internship Training

This study explores the growing trend of university students utilizing YouTube as a learning platform in comparison to traditional in-person education. With its...

Keywords: YouTube; Information Adoption; ICT

Published: 2024-10-14

The Relationship between Emotional Regulation and Academic Performance

This study examines the relationship between emotional regulation and academic performance in adolescents aged 15-20. A survey Results showed a significant posi...

Keywords: Emotional Regulation; Academic Performance; Anxiety; Motivation; Engagement; Self-Regulation; Emotional Well-Being; Academic Achievement; Student Success; Mental Health

The Efficacy of Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum: A Research Review

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents significant challenges, particularly in emotional regulation and anxiety management. Mindfulness and breathing exercises...

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises; Anxiety

Shared Psychotic Disorder: A Case Report of “Folie a Deux”

Shared psychotic disorder also known as the induced psychotic disorder is characterised by sharing of a set of delusions by two or more people who are closely k...

Keywords: Shared Psychosis; Social Isolation; Primary and Secondary Patient

Dopamine: “The Neurotransmitter of Desire, Movement and More”

Dopamine functions not only as a precursor to norepinephrine but also as a neurotransmitter closely linked to various neurological and psychiatric conditions. ...

Keywords: Dopamine; Neurotransmitter; Endocrine Disorders; Autoreceptor; Neuromodulators; Impulse Control disorders (ICD)

Published: 2024-10-10

Extending Meat Shelf Life by Using Natural Preservatives

The Meat and the meat products are excellent sources of the nutrients for the humans. The Meat and the meat products also provide a favorable environment for th...

Keywords: Meat and Meat Products; Food Preservation; Packaging; Food-Borne Pathogens

Published: 2024-10-09

Designer Drugs: An Escalating Challenges for Forensic Investigators

The proliferation from traditional drugs to designer drugs presents significant challenges for forensic scientists. The rapid emergence as well as diverse chem...

Keywords: Designer Drugs; Forensic Scientists; Chemical Structures; Traditional Drugs

Published: 2024-10-08

Performance of Growing Yankasa Rams Fed Ensiled Crushed Groundnut Shell, African Locust Bean Pulp and Poultry Litter with Supplementations

A study was conducted to assess the performance of growing Yankasa rams fed ensiled crushed groundnut shell, African locust bean pulp and poultry litter with s...

Keywords: Yankasa Rams Fed Ensiled Crushed Groundnut Shell; Locust Bean Pulp; Poultry Litter