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Progress in Aqua Farming and Marine Biology (PAFMB) ISSN: 2640-6764

Current Issue - Volume 4 Issue 1

Climate Change and Fisheries: A Global Perspective

Maqsood R* and Abbas K

Determination of the Levels of Some Anti-Nutritional Factors and Effect of Processing Wild Bean (Vigna Racemosa) Seeds

Abbas AH*, Ameh AA, Njoku GC, Abdullahi MS, Abbas MY and Oise AE
Research Article

Theory of Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV)

Ashish RU*, Syed SNQ, Feroz AS, Shabir AD and Rinkesh NW
Research Article

Beyond Sustainability: Recirculating Aquaculture System For Blue Revolution

Anagha Raju* and Benno Pereira FG
Research Article

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