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Dialysis and Transplantation Open Access (DTOA) ISSN: 2689-6028

Current Issue - Volume 3 Issue 2

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Child with Chronic Kidney Disease

Iftikhar Ijaz*, Hafsa Ijaz, Mariam Asif and Resham Kareem
Case Report

Viral Hepatitis C (HCV) in Hemodialysis

Atmane Seba*
Research Article

Cold Storage for Renal Graft Preservation at the Start of Machine Perfusion Era: Retrospective Analysis in our Series

Doménech P*, Muñoz C, Colombás J, Gutiérrez C, Chiva S, García Á, Ancizu FJ, Barbas G, Torres M, Andrés G, Ramón de Fata F, Villacampa F, Rosell D, Diez-Caballero FJ, Miñana B, Pascual JI and Robles JE
Research Article

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