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Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal (DDPJ) ISSN: 2689-5994

Dentistry & Dental Practices is an open access peer reviewed Journal which has been accepted internationally and encourages the research in the field of Dentistry. The aim of this journal is to spread knowledge among the topics of orthodontics, oral health, endodontics, Periodontics, pediatric dentistry, geriatric dentistry, etc. This journal graciously welcomes original articles, reviews, mini-review, short communication, opinion, etc.

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A Diode Laser Used for Treatment of Mucocele Present on Lower Lip in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series

Ashish Trivedi¹*, Rehan Khan¹, Sneha Deokar¹, Bhagyshree Rathod¹, Ruchita Humne² and Sushma Maku¹
Case Report

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