Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Case Report
A Case Report on Endodontic Management of Inflammatory Intra- Radicular (Balloon Shaped) Resorption in Mandibular Molar
Published: 2025-03-21


Internal root resorption (IRR) of inflammatory type among mandibular molars is a rare phenomenon (Prevalence 0.01% - 1%). Its diagnosis and treatment can be challenging, depending on the extent of the defect and its location, so a thorough clinical and radiographic examination should be done before treatment. It is usually asymptomatic and discovered by chance on routine radiographic examination. The treatment of this condition should be initiated as soon as possible to prevent further loss of hard tissue or an eventual root perforation. A Patient reported in the outpatient department with a chief complaint of pain in the lower posterior region of the jaw, on thorough clinical and radiological examinations, a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis was made and nonsurgical root canal treatment was planned using thermoplastic obturation technique. Six-month follow-up showed arrest of the Internal root resorption. Early detection of such resorption is the key to successful management and preserving the tooth's integrity.


Internal Root Resorption; Mesiolingual Canal; Balloon-Shaped Defect; Thermoplasticized Technique; CBCT