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Current Trends in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials (CTPCT) ISSN: 2642-0848

Volume 2 Issue 1

Anti-Diabetic Effect of Leucaena Leucocephala Linn (Ipil-Ipil) Seed Extract on Albino Mice

Elchin R Juanico and Abel Alejandro U Flores Jr*

Research Article

Immunomodulatory Effect of Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Based Herbomineral Formulation

Trivedi MK, Branton A, Trivedi D, Nayak G, Mondal SC, and Jana S*

Research Article

Pharmacovigilance: Knowledge Attitude and Practice within the Public Health actors in Yaoundé, Cameroon

NJEBA Bruna Beri, TEMBE Fokunang Estella, ESSI Marie Jose, NGO Valery Ngo and FOKUNANG Charles Ntungwen*

Research Article

Lipid Emulsion Therapy in Poisoning Via Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs: A Systematic Review

Ozgur Karcioglu*, Ebru Yilmaz, Salim Satar and Selman Yeniocak

Review Article

Comparing the Physicochemical and Pharmaceutical Properties of Brand-Name and Generic Ketoprofen Gel Products

Alshoushan AAA, Elgallal EA, Sadawe IA, Meiqal NH, Salah M Bensaber SM, Hermann A and

Gbaj AM*

Research Article

The Potential of the Biofield Energy Treated Novel Proprietary Test Formulation on Organs Specific Biomarkers

Arul I, Trivedi MK, Branton A, TrivediD, Nayak G, Mondal SC and Jana S*

Research Article

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