Open Access Journal of Behavioural Science & Psychology ISSN: 2642-0856
Research Article
How to Inhibit Rebounding to Responses Based on Misconceptions
Published: 2022-05-01


The mistakes made by students are not absolute mistakes. The mistakes they make are based on their past experiences and are often reasonable to a certain extent. However, in normal school lessons, information is simply conveyed through a textbook, and the students’ past experiences are ignored or denied. Teachers must support and promote learning activities to restructure a new knowledge configuration by combining the past experiences of students with new information from the teacher. However, past experiences and new information are often at odds with each other. How can the two be successfully combined? This question has not been clearly answered in psychology


Rebounding to Responses Based on Misconceptions; Rule Showing Demarcation; Maintaining Misconceptions; Cognitive Conflict