Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article
Association between Knowledge with Anxiety Level of Pre Operating on Patients with Cataract
Published: 2021-11-02


Background: pre anxiety cataract surgery could affect the majority of patients. From the preliminary study, it was found that 6 out of 10 patients felt anxious, if the anxiety in preoperative patients was not overcome it could interfere with the healing process.

Aim: To identify association between the level of knowledge about the process of perioperative management with the level of anxiety in patients with pre cataract surgery.
Research methods: This research used cross sectional design with an observational approach. Sampling technique using nonprobability with accidental sampling method, total samples obtained 82 respondents.

Results: There was association between The level of knowledge of the perioperative management process related to the level of anxiety in patients with pre cataract surgery at the National Eye Center Hospital in Bandung, Indonesia with p-value 0,007 ≤ α 0,05.

Conclusions: There was association between The level of knowledge of the perioperative management process related to the level of anxiety in patients with pre cataract surgery at the National Eye Center Hospital in Bandung, Indonesia.


: Knowledge; Anxiety; Cataract Patients