Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal ISSN: 2640-6659
Research Article
Detection of Phytochemicals in the Different Extracts of Dhaura, Anogeissus Acuminata (Roxb.) Wall. Ex Bedd
Published: 2018-09-06


Several plants are being used to treat different ailments in humans since time immemorial and Dhaura or Anogeissus acuminata, or button tree is no exception. Its use has been indicated in several medicinal folklore systems in India to cure several diseases. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the different Phytochemicals present in the whole stem bark as well as different extracts of the stem bark of dhaura. The Phytochemical analysis of whole stem bark has shown that it contains phenols, flavonoids apart from carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids. However, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides and tannins were absent. The analysis of chloroform, ethanol and aqueous extracts showed that the chloroform and ethanol extracts contained alkaloids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, phenols and tannins apart from proteins and amino acids, whereas, carbohydrates were completely absent. The aqueous extract did not show presence of alkaloids and tannins.


Anogeissus Acuminata; Phytochemical; Flavonoids; Cardiac glycosides; Alkaloids