Although often when it comes to supporting specific victims, including women, everyone’s mind is turned to specific criminalization or aggravation of punishment for crimes against women, But permanent resort to criminal intervention is not enough to stop women’s victimization; Rather, sometimes criminal interventions can exacerbate or repeat the victimization, in addition to incurring significant punitive costs. Therefore, in order to protect women victims, sometimes instead of focusing on the punishment of the offender, it is necessary to look for extra-criminal protective options according to the interests and needs of the victim. And sometimes, in order to repair the injuries of the victimized women and to help bring them back to their pre-victimization status, decriminalization of some behaviors that the victimized women are forced to commit in certain circumstances, is necessary. In this article, an attempt is made in an analytical-descriptive manner, with reference to the current criminal laws and its shortcomings, to make suggestions for the criminal retreat of the legislator in order to protect women victims in some victimization.
Women Victims; Depenalization; Decriminalization Extra-Criminal Protection