Since the globe is developing century by century, the working environment also changes in every era. Currently, the working of women and also female occupations has reached great importance among society around the world. Women are enterprising, flexible and productive beings while working and in constructing new ideas and they want also be recognized by the community. From past to the present women worked in a variety of fields and some of them also did work in some village areas within carrying their small infants. But this area altered and everything turned to modernized and we see more women working in towns and cities. However, there are big differences, such as income and the working environment. Actually the reason why the occupations differ may have different factors. The considering reasons may due to social norms and cultural backgrounds. People want to make a career what social perception expects from them. The social values define whether you will work by your gender or by your skills or opposite of your gender such as women in male-dominated occupations. One of the significant points here is that professions differ according to gender. This paper aims to research about how gender segregation occurred in occupations. Additionally, the research will analyse the perceptions of gender roles in society and also the pay gaps and different factors which have an influence on women's condition at work.
Social Gender; Gender Roles; Female and Male Professions; Gender-Pay Gap