Journal of Clinical Research in Pain and Anaesthesia ISSN: 2689-6141
Case Report
Anaesthetic Management of Paediatric Case Posted for Mesenteric Cyst Excision: A Case Report
Published: 2021-01-06


Mesenteric cysts are a rare entity in paediatric population with prevalence of 1:100000 in adults and 1:20000 in children. Usually they are benign intra-abdominal tumours with an unknown aetiology. Many theories have been reported for the origin of such cysts such as hydatid, Meckel’s diverticulum and mesenteric lymphatic’s. Some consider that all cysts are of embryonic origin and initiated with obstruction of existing lymphatic channels or by growth of congenitally misplaced lymphatic tissue which does not communicate with the vascular system.Due to lack of specific symptoms, correct pre-operative diagnosis is difficult. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice. This can be accomplished by laparotomy or by minimally invasive surgery. Here, we report a 2 day old male child presenting with mesenteric cyst posted for cyst excision managed under epidural with general anaesthesia.


Mesenteric cyst; General Anaesthesia; Epidural Analgesia