It has been one of the issue in managing healthcare sector in 21st century that it was marred by multiple complaints, legal battle and also physical assault to health professionals and health care centres by patient and their attendants with allegation of negligence etc. Which used to take quality time of healthcare workers which they might have used for rendering useful work. Alongside there were a lots of financial wastage which too could have been utilized for improving health care services. This was all due to deteriorating doctors- patient relationship along with various other reasons and causes are attributed including nontransparent working, lack of proper communication. Non-standardization of services and lack of quality services with special operating procedures are main culprits. In this study we concentrated on the improvement of quality health and medical care services( QMS) using International Standard Organization(ISO) standards and application of total quality management (TQM) in health and medical care services so that a proper level of quality service may be assured(quality assurance) using bench marking with highest level in the field. Thereby patient satisfaction is also increased leading to lesser conflict and better earning of the healthcare system. This may thus save time and finance which can be utilized for further enhancement of medical and health services to upgrade to match best in the field and can be used as bench marking for other health care services.
Quality Assurance; Standards; ISO; TQM; Medical; Neurosciences