Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Corona Virus Disease — A Disaster or Biological Warfare!!!…
Published: 2020-08-27


Since time immemorial humans are suffering from the infinite number of problem, diseases caused by microorganisms are not an exception. Microbiology is an amazing branch of medicine that is always appreciated for its monitoring of novel organisms which later becomes part and parcel of human life. But, till we get habituated what is the status of community! When very little is known about the disease, its mechanism, clinical features, no definite drug to treat, at last, a fetching vaccine is a dream... Imagine the condition of the country, when the spread of the disease is just like a slow poison never gets to know when the person is infected till the incubation days get over and involves many people with whomever they come in contact!!!.. One such Pandemic which has become uncracked nut for the health-care professionals, safeguarding authorities and the government is COVID.


Corona Virus Disease; Disaster or Biological Warfare