Dentistry & Dental Practices Journal ISSN: 2689-5994
Research Article
Comparative Evaluation of Two Electronic Apex Locators in Determining Working Length
Published: 2018-08-10


Electronic apex locators reduce the number of radiographs required and assist where radiographic methods create difficulty. They are also helpful in cases where the apical foramen is some distance from the radiographic apex. In addition to reducing radiographic exposure, Apex Locators can reduce the rate of overestimation of root canal length

Aim: To compare and evaluate the accuracy of two 4th generation electronic apex locators (EAL’S): RAYPEX 5 (VDW, Munich, Germany) and NRG-BLUE (Medic NRG Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel).

Objective: To determine the reliability of electronic apex locators in detecting the apex and their accuracy in working length determination.

Results: Suggests that electronic root canal measurement can be an objective and acceptably reproducible technique. The outcome of this study indicates that Raypex 5 and Nrg Blue can accurately measure the working length and act as a very helpful aid in the success of endodontic therapy.


Working length; Apex locators; Accuracy