Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Mini Review
Laws of Thermodynamics and Strategy of Healthcare
Published: 2020-01-03


The necessity of changing of strategy of healthcare in connection with the sharp increase of cost of curatively-diagnostic process is proved by his insufficient efficiency. Existent strategy conduces to bankruptcy of the world system of healthcare at the permanent height of morbidity. As an alternative it is suggested to develop thermodynamics conception of health. A living organism is examined as an open thermodynamics system stability of that depends on her energy potential. And only on leaving of individual for the limits of aerobic energy potential of the bio system (12 МЕТ for men and 10 МЕТ for women) conditioned by an evolution entropy increases with subsequent development of pathology. By the alternative of existent strategy of healthcare as a fight against pathology there is counteraction of entropy. An organizational form of counteraction of entropy is measures aim of that maintenance of aerobic energy potential of the bio system within bounds of «safe» zone of health.


Strategy of Healthcare; Entropy; Safe Health Level; Industry of Health