Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal ISSN: 2640-6659
Review Article
Solion - A Bioactive Nanostructured Particle
Published: 2019-10-14


The paper presents a series of data on the anionic nanostructures of hydrated halo salts, obtained in situ in the process of generating Aitken particles from the fluorescence of hot recrystallized granules from aqueous solutions of supersaturated mixtures of alkaline and alkaline-earth halides. In humid atmospheric environments (≥80% RH), from halosalts nanocrystals, glomeruli with concentric structure formed by water pentahydrols and low ion packing nanopolyhedrons, involving a mechanism with three-stage kinetics, with different speed constants. Depending on the doping system of the NaCl hooks with other alkaline and alkaline earth halogens, a series of halochambers has been developed with multiple practical applications, such as: prevention and therapy of cardio-respiratory, osteo-muscular and psycho-motor disorders, as well to improve the physical performance of children, the elderly and people who work in high effort conditions or performance athletes.


Aitken Particle; Nano Aerosol; Saline Nano-Aeroanion; Glomeruli; Lifespan; Coordinated Aquatemplation; Pentahydrols; Halochambers; Prevention and Therapy