International Journal of Cutaneous Disorders & Medicine ISSN: 2691-5839
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Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Lip on Reccurent Herpes
Published: 2019-09-20


It was a 40-year-old patient with a history of recurrent herpes labialis, who has had persistent labial herpes for 4 months. The dermatological examination showed an infiltrated erythematous plaque measuring 2 cm in diameter, ulcerated in the center, a slightly budding background, with meliceric crusts, located in the mucous side of the lower lip, on the dermoscopy was noted a hairpin vascularization and glomerular surrounded by a whitish halo with keratin in the center. Histopathology of the tumor revealed infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma. The locoregional extension assessment was negative. The treatment consisted of surgery.