Evolution in Polymer Technology Journal ISSN: 2642-0864
Review Article
Some Significant Research Insights on Spider Silk
Published: 2019-06-13


The article surveys some recent research works on spider silk. The engineering properties of individual fibers from Nephila Clavipes spider drag line under uniaxial tension, transverse compression and torsional deformation has been reported. A high level of torsional stability is demonstrated. Comparing favorably to other aramid fibers (including Kevlar fibers). The length and width of four different types of webs like orb web, funnel web, dome web and irregular mesh web have been measured and also the width of the single silken thread of the four spider webs measured. The mechanical properties of different type web threads were studied by measuring the width of the single thread using micrometry. The width of the prey capture thread was found to be higher in the orb web. The width of the egg sac thread was higher in the dome web and orb web. The length and width of different types of web were measured. The higher length of different types of web was found in orb web. We found that the orb webs were stiffer and stronger. These findings yield insight into the strength of the capture threads. Spider silk produces biomaterials that exceed manufactured materials with extraordinary characteristics. SS-fibers are as tough as steel and some SS-fibers have elasticity near caoutchouc.


Spider silk, mechanical properties, Web, Biomaterials