Introduction: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome also known as POTS, is a syndrome of autonomic dysfunction and is characterized by marked increase in the heart rate without associated orthostatic hypotension, most of the existing literature on POTS are case reports and reviews on the patients who were already given the diagnosis of POTS even before attainment of pregnancy. Our case report and review is unique because it will discuss a patient who was newly diagnosed with POTS in pregnancy. Case presentation: We present a case of 22 years old, primigravida with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) which was unrecognized for seven years that continued in pregnancy and masked symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. We also present the differential diagnosis of POTS and a review on why is it difficult to diagnose in pregnancy and its management. Conclusion: The course of POTS in pregnancy is variable it does not increase the risk of complications in pregnancy and childbirth and also has no negative effects on the fetus or infant. POTS in pregnancy should not influence the mode of delivery. Vaginal delivery is still the safest route. POTS do not complicate the postpartum course or the choice for contraception.
POTS: Pregnancy; Orthostasis; Tachycardia; Autonomic dysfunction