Clinical Journal of Diabetes Care and Control ISSN: 2642-0872
Case Report
An Interesting Case on Rhino-cerebral Mucormycosis
Published: 2019-03-21


Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis (RCM) is a rapidly progressing infection seen frequently in patients with malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, or in patients with immunocompromised status like hematological malignancies or who are on immunosuppressive or cytotoxic therapy [1]. The disease manifests initially as sinusitis, and is therefore diagnosed in an advanced stage [2]. We hereby report a rare case of RCM with Candidiasis in a 40 years old female from an urban background who presented with the complaints of unilateral facial pain, orbital swelling, headache and right sided nasal blockage with deviation of mouth towards left side. The biopsy report of the affected lesion revealed mucormycosis with fungal hyphae. This report is to emphasize that in patients who present with unilateral headache, rhinorrhea, rigors, and symptoms suggestive of sinusitis, RCM should be foremost in the differential diagnosis, especially if diabetes exists as a comorbid condition.


Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis; Candidiasis; Immunosuppressive; Unilateral facial pain; Orbital swelling; Headache; Right sided nasal blockage