Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal ISSN: 2640-6659
Research Article
A Short Review on Plagiarism
Published: 2019-03-12


Ayurved is science of life. It is become more popular day by day. Different type of research activities occurs at respected level for Ayurved. Pharmacy doing drug research. Ayurved scholar doing review research at college level. Research & methodology subject included in MD & UG syllabus also. All UG-PG-Teachers engaged in writing research papers. Most of that published in international we can said that research activities of Ayurveda amours at international level. But unfortunately many bad things also occurs simultaneously, plagiarism is one of this. Plagiarism is wrongful appropriation & stalling & publication of another author’s language, though, idea, or expressions & represent them as one’s own original was. Plagiarism word arises from Latin word plagiarius, which meaning is kidnap. Plagiarism is itself crime. This research paper is focusing on plagiarism and plagiarism occurs in Ayurved.


Plagiarism; Ayurved filed; Review