Large fish kills have been blamed on numerous reasons one being toxic algae blooms. It has been proposed that various diseases attack man and animals as the incoming particles of exploding stars come in from outer space. Our planets life forms are under continuous attack and examples of the odd nosed antelope of Asia and moose of North America have been cited. The dead whales of New Zealand were bunched on a beach November 26, 2018. The 2005 bloom of Karenia brevis, The Florida red tide and blue green algae organisms appear to be the killers that may enter as exploding star debris or grow while feeding on incoming debris ingredients in either case Florida Will suffer for years to come. The concept of a snowball earth brings large changes by two interstellar meteor exit craters in Australia that appear to create the continental shields of Pangaea and bring serious questions about dating methods for extruded magna from earth’s core.
Warming; Global; Supernova; Nova; Florida; Sea ice; Alaska; Shields