Alternative Medicine & Chiropractic Open Access Journal ISSN: 2642-0171
Grahani-Sprue Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease
Published: 2019-01-25


Optimum digestion and metabolism in a healthy individual is attributed to Agni. The hypoactivity of Agni produces majority of disorders like Agnimandya, Jvara, Atisara and Grahani. The disease in which grahani or small intestine (duodenum) gets vitiated is called as grahani. In this disease the functions of small intestine i.e. digestion, absorption of food are disturbed. This disease can be compared symptomatically to Sprue syndrome or Crohn’s disease. As this disease due to improper dietary habits so, proper diet, yoga and medicines which improve the digestion, appetite of great use.


Grahani; Agnimandya; Vata; Small intestine; Panchkarma; Yoga;, Buttermilk