Advanced Nursing & Patient Care International Journal ISSN: 2642-0147
Research Article
Awareness of Nursing Students at AAUP towards Using Infection Control Strategies in Hospitals
Published: 2019-01-12


Risk factors for infection include improper care for patients, and incorrect use of infection control strategies, for that there is a need to increase the level of awareness toward infection control strategies, and to improve the practice techniques in using such strategies. In addition there is a great concern on improving the awareness of nursing students as they are trained in hospitals and they are in direct contact with patients. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of nursing students’ toward using infection control strategies in hospitals. Descriptive design was used to conduct this study, 95 nurses’ students were randomly selected and included from different academic year at AAUP. The results of the study revealed that there were no significance relationship between nursing students knowledge towards infection control strategies used in hospital according to gender, academic year, and wards that have been trained in. Also there were no significance relationship between their awareness and attitude according to gender, educational level, and while in wards being trained in the result showed a significant relationship. In addition to a significance relationship between students awareness and practice according to gender, and there is no significance relationship between awareness and practice according to level of education and wards being trained in. In conclusion there must be more focus on infection control in the university lectures. In addition to initiate workshops to enhance knowledge, attitude and practice towards infection control among nursing students.


Knowledge; Attitude; Practice; Nurses’ students.