Cancer has the most devastating economic impact of any cause of death in the world. Whereas, pesticides represent a potential public health hazard of note in farming communities. In Senegal, the lack of pesticides management data constitutes a major problem. Thus, the aim of this prospective study is to determine cancer frequency amongst farmers in Richard-Toll. A total of 3423 medical records were consulted. A questionnaire has been used for collecting data from Patients’ registries presented medical biological diagnosis and/or clinical diagnosis with suspicion of precancerous lesions or invasive cancer. Biostatistics indicators allowed verifying the relationship between pesticides risks exposures and cancer. 263 (7.68%) were suspected to present precancerous lesions or invasive cancer according to the requested analysis. However, 10 medical records were excluded because lack of some data. The remaining shown that 86 (33.99%) of patient analysis were in majority famers, 34 (13.45%) were family member of the CSS personnel employ and 133 (52.57%) were none employed by the CSS. Moreover, the means of age was 52 years with a number of 25 (9.89%) women and 228 (90.11%) men. 19 (7.51%), of 253 medical records suspected, were proved invasive cancer and 15 of them were in the agricultural estate, suggesting that pesticides exposure. Amongst patients who had cancer that’s rate of pesticides exposures were 83%, the cancer prevalence were 12%, and were more higher than the others where the cancer prevalence were 2.17%. X2 = 9.93 (significance point = 3.84) and the Q coefficient of Yule test were 0.72. Pesticides utilization can raise 6 times the risk of cancer (Odds Ratio: 6.14). Cancer is frequent amongst famers in Richard-Toll and that’s a major problem of public health.
Pesticides; Cancer; Farmers; Senegal