Journal of Nutritional Dietetics & Probiotics ISSN: 2640-6624
Research Article
<p>Information and Preference of Consumers at Yalova/Turkey on Probiotic Table Olive</p>
Published: 2018-12-11


This research aimed to determine probiotic olive preference of consumers from Yalova/Turkey as well as provide some information about probiotic olive awareness and an idea about consumption habit of consumers. This study can especially be useful for table olive producers who are willing to increase probiotic olive production. For this purpose, 497 questionnaire forms were prepared. Results of this study showed that beneficial effects of probiotic food were not knownwell (76% of participants never heard). Taste and price were major affecting factors in terms of purchasing and consuming of probiotic olives. 97% of participants were willing to consume probiotic olive rather than ordinary olive. Black (38%) and green stuffed olive (38%) were determined as the most preferred types of probiotic olives.


Probiotic consumption; Probiotic bacteria; Nutrition; Probiotic taste