Conventional Endodontic therapy has a high success rate. However, failed endodontic therapy with persistent periapical lesion may indicate of an apical cyst that require surgical intervention. This case report focuses on surgical retreatment of mandibular central incisors. A 30year old female patient reported to our department with pain and recurrent swelling with respect to mandibular central incisor region from last some months. Radiological investigation revealed faulty root canal treatment irt #41 and a periapical pathology involving 31, 32, 41, 42 suggestive of radicular cyst. As a conventional treatment modality root canal treatment of #31, #32, #42 along with retreatment of #41 was initiated following the standard protocol. Even after the non- surgical approach was performed, the patient presented with the same symptoms. Hence forth, surgical intervention that includes enucleation, debridement, placement of autologous platelet concentrates (PRF) and Human chorion membrane (HCM) was performed and at 12month assessment, the radiograph showed good bone healing and resolution of the clinical symptoms
Human Chorion Membrane; Guided Tissue Regeneration; Platelet Rich Fibrin; Retreatment; Surgical Endodontics