The rapid expansion of various industrial sectors due to the industrial revolution has been a global concern in the current scenario. The indiscriminate discharges of various industrial xenobiotics without proper treatment into the aquatic ecosystem create a severe threat to the functioning status of non-target bioindicators like fish. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are large group of organic chemicals originated from various sources of natural and anthropogenic activities. Natural sources of VOCs are emissions from trees and vegetation, forest fires and anaerobic marshy bog process with the aid of some microorganisms while anthropogenic sources such as metal surface degreasing, textile cleaning, formulation of various agricultural practices, fumigation, petroleum storage, building materials etc. The health status of aquatic ecosystem can be evaluated precisely by employing various biomarkers. The assessment of fish health through hemato-biochemical biomarkers considered as an effective diagnostic tool in toxicological research. The variations of different blood parameters serve as indicators of physiological changes due to the presence of xenobiotics.
Volatile Organic Compounds; Bioindicators; Biomarker; Hematotoxicity Studies; Biochemical Toxicity Studies