Clinical Neuroscience & Neurological Research International Journal ISSN: 2689-6001
Review Article
The Dark Side of E-Commerce: Online Shopping Addiction in India
Published: 2025-01-17


Online shopping addiction (OSA) has emerged as a new behavioral addiction. OSA refers to the tendency for excessive, compulsive, and problematic shopping behavior via the internet, leading to economic, social, and emotional problems. A subset of compulsive buying behavior, online shopping addiction has become a significant concern in India, fueled by the rapid expansion of e-commerce and increased internet accessibility. This review examines the prevalence, contributing factors, psychological implications, and potential interventions related to online shopping addiction in the Indian context. Drawing on recent studies and statistical data, it provides a comprehensive overview of the current scenario and offers prevention and management techniques for addressing OSA.


Online Shopping Addiction (OSA); Behavioral addiction; Internet