Alternative Medicine & Chiropractic Open Access Journal ISSN: 2642-0171
Research Article
Forging Wellness: Ayurvedic Insights into Copper’s Vital Role in Human Body: A systematic Review
Published: 2025-01-10


Background: Ayurveda has explained Copper in treatment of varied spectrum of diseases. A thorough study was planned to compile the health effects of copper through its role in different bodily systems which is fairly explored. Aim and Objective: Critical study on copper properties mentioned in texts of Ayurveda and related research works to explore its vital role in the body. Review Methods: Literary method is adopted in this study through Ayurveda literatures and contemporary science. Results: Copper is explained as a special element that has laghu, lekhana and tarpana property along with its indication in various diseases such as agni mandhya, kshaya, amla pitta, kusta, gara visha, etc. Various studies have proved its vital role in physiology of different bodily systems. Shodhana and marana procedures should always be followed before internal administration of elemental copper. It is also recommended for drinking water storage purposes. Conclusion: Copper is an essential micronutrient, its deficiency is known to cause various health ailments like skin disorders, neurological deficits, respiratory disorders, metabolic disorders, anaemia. Indication of copper in similar kind of ailments are noticed in classics. Storage of drinking water copper vessel serves as easiest way to avail its beneficial method.


Copper; Tamra; Health Benefits; Human Physiology; Ayurveda; Copper Deficiency, Drinking Water Stored in Copper Vessel