Pharmaceutical Sciences & Analytical Research Journal ISSN: 2640-6659
Research Article
Compliance and Non-Compliance to Antihypertensive Treatment Regimen and the Prevalence of Complication among Hypertensive Patients Attending the Mifi District Hospital
Published: 2025-01-08


Hypertension remains one of the most plaguing diseases in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) approximate the occurrence of hypertension in high-income countries as 35% for both genders, while in low, lower- middle and upper middleincome countries the prevalence is around 40%. Its prevalence is on the rise in middle income countries due to a gradual change in the lifestyle of people. Treatment and management measures remain a huge burden to patients, leading to noncompliance which may contribute to the development of hypertension complications. Treatment regimen problems are widespread, and seriously compromise the effectiveness of antihypertensive treatment. Factors such as patients’ health beliefs, morals, communication skills, local language, lifestyle, social construction and support, and socioeconomic position have been proven to have an effect on medication adherence. Although the benefits of antihypertensive medications in controlling hypertension is reported, most patients fail to keep it under control because of poor adherence to treatment regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the level of compliance to antihypertensive treatment regimen, to determine the factors associated to non-compliance to antihypertensive treatment regimen and to determine the prevalence of hypertension complication among hypertensive patients attending the Mifi District Hospital. This study has utilized a descriptive hospital based cross-sectional study design, involving all consented conveniently sampled hypertensive patients that came for follow up during the time of study. Out of a total sample size of 200 hypertensive patients, majority were females accounting for a percentage of 55% (n =110) and the rest were male with a percentage of 45% (n = 90). 36 respondents (18%) had excellent compliance to antihypertensive treatment regimen, 50 respondent (25%) had good compliance, 37(18.5%) had fair Compliance and 77(38.5%) respondents had poor compliance to antihypertensive treatment regimen. There was an observed statistically significant association between patient’s related factors to non-compliance and all the sociodemographic factors: gender (p= 0.013), age (p=0.000), level of education (p=0.01), marital status (p=0.038), profession (p=0.00), living with hypertension (p=0.00), duration on treatment (p=0.00) and Blood Pressure (BP) check (p=0.026). As complications, 63(31.5%) experienced blindness, 30(15%) experienced collapse, 26(13%) developed diabetes, 13(6.5) experienced stroke, 9(4.5%) developed kidney disease, 1(0.5%) developed heart problem. Only 58(29%) had no complications. There was a positive correlation between non adherence to treatment regimen and development of hypertension complications (r=0.36, p=0.001). This study therefore conclude that medication non-adherence remains a crucial problem for both the patients and the society. It is therefore recommended that there be accessibility to antihypertensive drugs at affordable prices and to organize campaigns to educate the population on the importance of taking medication properly.


Compliance; Treatment Regimen; Factors; Hypertension; Treatment