Evolution in Polymer Technology Journal ISSN: 2642-0864
On the Method
Published: 2018-11-13


The Method: I am not an expert in History of Science. I have my background in this Science from my scientific high school. Anyway I will try to explain. I took my master degree in Politechnico di Milano many years ago. Professors often used “aula Giulio Natta” for their lectures (old and near the Rectorate). I was there. Prof. Giulio Natta was an engineer, and was a professor in Politecnico di Milano. He was an expert in chemistry. He won the Nobel Prize in 1963 for his researches on polymers. He used the scientific method. Much earlier, in 1637, René Descartes published his famous book “Discours De La Methode – pour bien conduire sa raison, et chercher la verité dans le sciences Plus la Dioptrique, les Meteores, et la Geometrie qui sont des essays de cete Methode.


Numerical modelling; Theoretical and Mathematical modelling